7 Most Common Workplace Injuries

There are many ways people are injured during the course of their jobs. Certain employees, such as those working in the Construction Industry, have a higher risk for injuries than if they worked at other jobs. Both employers and employees are supposed to adhere to OSHA Safety Regulations for creating and maintaining a safe Workplace environment. Unfortunately, accidents happen and often this is due to negligence, safety violations or equipment failure.

When you receive workplace injuries, the first thing to do is to make an official report to your employer. Take photographs of the incident area and injuries if possible. Then, contact your own Personal Injury Lawyer to decide what to do next. Do not discuss your injuries with anyone else, especially insurance company representatives. If you do that, you could jeopardize a potential lawsuit victory to bring you maximum compensation.

Workplace Injuries

Each year, about 50,000 workplace injuries are reported. Reports to the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate higher risks are clear in certain occupations. Here is a list of those most hazardous occupations and the typical workplace injuries workers are at risk for:

  • 1. Construction Injuries - Number one workplace on the U.S. Bureau of Labor's list for injury accidents is the Construction Industry. Workers in this occupation are surrounded by hazards that can cause serious injury, amputation of limbs or a wrongful death.Typical construction industry accidents are caused by:
    • Machinery entrapment or tool malfunction causing injury
    • Vehicle accidents
    • Falling objects/scaffolding
    • Falling from heights
    • Slip and Fall
    • Overexertion
    • Safety equipment failure
    • Equipment failure
    • Electrocution
    • Explosions
  • 2. Transportation & Warehousing
    The use of large and heavy vehicles for transportation and warehousing is another hazardous occupation where workers risk personal injury. Loading and unloading activities, whether by hand or using machinery, can result in overexertion, crushing and falls from heights. Over-the-road truck drivers are injured in crashes, roll-over accidents and other incidents that can also be compounded by fatigue and distraction issues. Injuries include bruising, broken bones, head, neck and spine injuries, injuries from impact with vehicle interiors or exterior objects.
  • 3. Food Industry Injuries
    People who work in agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting are injured by equipment, weather hazards, and by manufacturing process equipment failures. Typical bodily harm includes loss of limbs, crushed bones, drowning, animal attacks and processing plant injuries due to entanglement or equipment failure.
  • 4. Business Activity Injuries
    If you work in government or private business, or you have your own professional office, you may be injured or killed in vehicle or common carrier accidents as you service clients or attend meetings, court or other business gatherings around the country or the world.
  • 5. Manufacturing Injuries
    Working in a manufacturing facility can present risk from moving parts or assembly lines, overhead parts hazards (parts falling on you), entanglement with machinery and other hazards of production. If you make a mistake in parts or equipment manufacture, that may also injure the end-user due to product defect or failure.
  • 6. Retail and Service Trades Injuries
    Workplace violence happened when disgruntled employees or former employees take out their anger against others in the workplace. In addition to physical violence, gun or knife attacks, this can take the form of harassment or discrimination. Workers are also injured during the course of their jobs if there are equipment failures, such as a faulty garage door that results in causing shoulder or neck injuries to the worker trying to open that door by hand.
  • 7. Mining Accidents
    Accidents in this industry often injury multiple workers when there is a cave-in. Heavy trucks and other mining equipment are also a hazard for workers who could be crushed or run over by accident. Workers here are subject to severe injuries or death caused by electrocution and explosions. Damage from diseases like mesothelioma may not surface for decades, causing worker death.

What Should I Do if I Was Involved in a Workplace Injury?

People injured at work file for Workers' Compensation, but even this has better results when you work with our experienced Phoenix Work Injury Lawyer. You may file a lawsuit to claim compensatory and punitive damages as well, depending on your particular case. We can help you get fair compensation and fight against insurance companies who only want to pay minimums.

Arizona has a two-year Statute of Limitations. If you are unable to work temporarily or permanently, you may qualify to receive far more in compensation than you are offered by insurance companies or Workers' Compensation.